Got Smolder up and running

zrusilla on 2008-08-08T18:13:33

Smolder is a web-based app, written by Michael Peters of Plus Three, to aggregate (I keep wanting to say aggravate) smoke tests and display results and trends at a glance. Smolder takes the tedium out of reading TAP by highlighting failure in a colorful way. It also provides trend graphs, RSS feeds and emails. TAP isn't hidden from you, though; you can download it.

I am using Smolder to get the freebies--aggregation, pretty pictures, RSS and email--as part of a project to pull together a litter of tests into a coherent set of suites suitable for smoke testing. There are more sophisticated uses of Smolder than mine. Michael gave a talk on using Smolder with Buildbot at YAPC::NA 2008 to more fully automate your builds and tests. Invent your own fun integration to achieve your goals.

Installation notes

Smolder is a self-contained app, installing everything it needs, including an Apache server and CPAN dependencies, in its own directory.

I had to do a bit of fiddling to get it up and running on MacOSX and Ubuntu Hardy Heron, but the installer, based on Krang, is well-organized, easily subclassable and Perl-hacker friendly, so you can easily enshrine your fixes for your platform in code and send them back to Michael.

My major Debian-related issue was the lack of a Smolder installer complained it found no libperl and exited. You can either run
$ apt-get install libperl-dev
or just make a symlink from to by hand. Either works.

useradd also failed because on my platform -M should be -m. Must remember to submit patch.

Also be sure libgd is compiled with TrueType support or your graphing will fail.

On MacOS X, I had to submit a patch for Leopard to create user and group since as of Leopard Apple abandoned NetInfo (

) for Directory Services (
). Also on Leopard, I'm having a most curious problem with libgd. Leopard seems to HATE it. It hisses into the log:
The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation functionality safely. You MUST exec().
Anyone else seen this message before?

Where to find it

Here, on Sourceforge.