Hello! Call me Zorknapp.
I'm a friend of jjohn's, and I've been looking for a place to have a weblog online. He suggested I try here. I will give it a shot, and see how it goes. I'm looking to get into the discipline of writing a journal each day, or at least every other day. Maybe once a week... We'll see how it goes.
I should let you all know that I'm not a computer professional. I work at a college in the northeast of the United States. I live and work in the residence halls, supervising student staff (Resident Assistants is the general term for the student staff in this profession). I have a masters degree in Student Affairs Administration. I use a computer, but I have nothing to do with the world of programming generally, and perl specifically, so if you're reading this to learn more about the language, you're out of luck!
What I will be writing about here is the in's and out's of working in a college environment, random thoughts and ideas, and whatever else comes to mind.
So, with this, I'll conclude this entry, and get on with my day. Enjoy!