More iTunes trickery

ziggy on 2003-01-05T23:46:16

A while ago, I read bbum's blog entry on creating random playlists for his iPod. I don't know why, but today seemed like a good day to play with iTunes. :-)

I don't much care what I'm listening to while I work. Mostly I want music to match my mood, usually by genre. I certainly don't want to spend a lot of time selecting music track by track (or album by album). I also find it annoying when I listen to an album I've heard a billion times and hear each track in the same order.

The solution: create a smart playlist that selects some random songs that I haven't heard in about a month. (See the options in the 'Advanced' tab when setting up a smart playlist). I have one smart playlist set for my Jazz tracks, and another for my "Rock" tracks. So far so good -- it's a lot better than selecting out all my Jazz tracks in the Library and randomly playing some tracks (and replaying them frequently).