
ziggy on 2002-09-11T21:04:37

Kevin Burton talks about a conversation he had with Dave Winer about the upcomming Userland spec: RSS 2.0.[*]

The second I mentioned rss-dev and mod_link Dave started to become visually agitated and said some very insulting things. Here are some choice quotes:

"You took my work and put *your* name on it"

"You hijacked my Intellectual Property"

"They ripped off my ideas"

"You guys are thieves."

These were probably the least offensive things I can blog ... There really wasn't any profanity used but I certainly didn't find them friendly.


This was about 60 seconds into the conversation.

Check out the winerlog if you need a boost to your Winer antibodies. ;-)

*: This document has been reviewed by Dave and has been endorsed by Dave as a Real Live Specification[tm]! It is probably a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited as a normative reference from another document that Dave agrees with. Dave's role in releasing this specification is to draw attention to the specification and to promote its deployment. This enhances the functionality and interoperability with Userland Software.

Keep Digging!