The weather forecast has been predicting a good heavy thunderstorm for the last day or so. It just arrived here at home. Probably not a huge amount of water to offset the drought in the area (many local streams and tributaries are at their lowest recorded levels). But a good soaking rain should do a lot to help clean the air.
Yesterday, the pollen count was over 2500. Today, it was recorded at 1847. That count is for Washington, DC, and the local news folks mentioned that places that actually have trees may have higher pollen counts. Wonderful.
Poking around, I found the scale for measuring tree-based pollen counts (the one for which the numbers are so high). A "moderate" pollen count is below 90. High is anything less than 1500. Everything above 1500 is classified as "very high".
Hopefully the pollen count will go down tonight. I'm starting to think that the ambient allergens are a significant cause to the dry red eyes I've been having recently.