The Unicode Consortium has released an update to Unicode. I don't grok Unicode very well, but from a cursory glance over this tech report, it appears like this is part bugfix (updates to the multibyte character sequence for UTF-8), with new languages (Khmer, Tagalog), symbols and characters added. Some of the new symbols deal with recycling and classification of plastic bottles.
It's unsettling when a fundemental technology component like a character set can undergo changes such as this. As of today, systems (like Perl) that attempt to be Unicode-compliant need to be updated yet again. Hopefully, this will involve little more than updating a character database, but realistically, a new algorithm for composing characters and properly reading encodings needs to be incorporated as well.
Maybe Unicode will be stable by the time they add Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi and Minoan Linear A...