Fact: Microsoft is a monopoly.
Fact: Microsoft has abused it's monopoly power in the computer industry.
Fact: Being a monopoly isn't illegal.
Fact: Abusing monopoly power is illegal.
Fact: This has been SOP for over a decade.
Fact: This isn't news; anti-trust suits just take a long time to work themselves out.
Fact: No one knows how to remedy the situation.
Fact: Forcing Microsoft to pay a trillion dollars to put Windows Pee Cees in classrooms looks like a remedy, but actually is an extension of Microsoft's monopoly (at the expense of Apple).
Fact: That proposed remedy was a complete joke.
Fact: It's sad that 9 out of 18 states and the US Department of Justice thought that joke of a settlement offer was the best they could do.
Fact: Even after it was proven that Microsoft is an abusive monopoly power, more evidence keeps surfacing about how the company blatantly continues their abuses even while penalty negotiations are under way!
These kind of strong-arm business tactics sound suspiciously familar. The important differences I see between Microsoft and the Soprano family are that:
Microsoft doesn't resort to capital crimes to enforce their business plans
... that we know about, yet.