Rumors revisited

ziggy on 2006-04-12T16:19:41

Scouring through my old journal entries, I found this interesting tidbit, via the ever-accurate and reliable MacRumors:

What about rumors of OS X on Intel?
Marklar is even more of a going concern than ever. Contrary to circulating rumors, it is not meant to be a Power PC exit strategy. Rather, it is intended to be offered to X86 users when Apple sees market conditions being fit for it. What it means by this is regarding Intel's Lagrande technology, and Microsoft's Palladium technology. Apple intends on releasing OS X on Intel, when consumer dissatisfaction falls to an all time low for Microsoft when users become restricted to what they can do on their PC's due to Lagrande and Palladium. Likely it will be released in the event that Microsoft chooses to stop developing for the Mac platform altogether.

Not an exit strategy. Waiting for Palladium and Lagrande. Massive amount of dissatisfaction directed towards Microsoft from the PC community. Waiting for Microsoft to leave the Mac platform. Hm.....

Pretty impressive batting average: 0 for 4. The only thing that was true in that rumor was that Marklar was a going concern. :-)