Funny Sightings

ziggy on 2005-07-19T02:39:43

Item the first: how do you clean a toilet? If you're not doing it this way, you're probably doing it wrong.

Item the second: My sister-in-law had an oblique request a translation of the family motto (we are not the assholes) into Latin. Up to the challenge, I popped downstairs and grabbed one of my copy of Latin for All Occasions (Yes, I have a copy. And I admit it. ) After a little page flipping, I came up with non podices nos.[*]

Just as a sanity check, I googled for the singular (podex) to see if I was completely off base. Turns out I'm not. At least one article somewhere mentions the term podex maximus.

The NYC Office of Emergency Management, on the other hand, is a little off base. They named last month's bioterrorist preparedness exercise PODEX, or Point-of-Dispensing Exercise. Yep. Dozens of city, state, federal and non-profit agencies all got together to participate in operation asshole.


*: As corrected. See below.

Update: Thanks to pijll, bart and Damian for correcting my Latin grammar and spelling. Who knew that one particularly poor choice of words could lead to three egregious errors? ;-)


pijll on 2005-07-19T12:25:20

I think podices non summus means we are not assholes (if you are right about the meaning of "podex"). If the thought behind the family motto is "we are not the assholes, they are", a better translation may be non podices nos, where the emphasis is on nos ("we"). Sounds better too.

However, it's fifteen years since my last Latin classes, so I might be wrong.


ziggy on 2005-07-19T20:51:46

It's been, um, 20 years since I took that one term of Latin, so you're probably right.



bart on 2005-07-19T14:20:43

"Summus" looks just plain wrong to me. And, at least WikiBooks agrees with me that it's spelled sumus.


Damian on 2005-07-19T20:39:49

Definitey "sumus".

"Summus" means "greatest", which would give you (very roughly) "assholes don't rule, okay".

And I do agree that something like "non podices nos" is a much more idiomatic translation. The Romans tended to avoid writing "is" explicitly (probably because it's so hard to conjugate ;-).


ziggy on 2005-07-19T21:00:34

The Romans tended to avoid writing "is" explicitly (probably because it's so hard to conjugate ;-).
No it isn't! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Thanks for the correction and clarification.


ziggy on 2005-07-19T20:57:14

summus is probably coming from too many years of studying French^W misspelled, mispronounced Latin as butchered by those infernal, barbaric Gauls.

(i.e. nous sommes)