Dabblers and Blowhards

ziggy on 2005-04-06T01:55:45

The backlash against Paul Graham's stream of essays has begun:

It's no surprise, then, that a computer programmer would want to bask in some of the peripheral coolness that comes with painting, especially when he has an axe to grind about his own work being 'mere engineering'. Yet while this might be charming or quirky in the abstract, it gets seriously annoying when real facts start getting butchered.
The author of this tidbit is none other than Maciej Ceglowski.


pudge on 2005-04-06T03:47:41

The funny part is that he engages in the very type of hard blowing he condemns. Yawn and double-yawn.


pudge on 2005-04-06T03:53:06

Oh, and by the way, I am an artist and a programmer. I think they are very similar. Although for me, they are different in one huge way: I don't have a problem to solve when I am making art. It's why I tend to spend a lot more time programming, I have more incentive, more motivation. But as far as the process, programming and art are very similar for me.

However, any true artist would realize the process of art is different for everyone, and for him to say it's not might say something about his art.

(Not that I think there is something mystical about being an artist, but he apparently does, which is why I say it that way. I like poking at people's ridiculous conceptions when they are self-contradictory or hypocritical.)