Reasons to learn Haskell #6

ziggy on 2005-03-26T03:29:49

At dinner tonight, a friend asked me, "so is this Haskell stuff for real, and should I bother learning it?"

After I mentioned the hyperproductivity on the pugs and the buzz around darcs, I talked about how it's a great language for writing parsers and compilers. Then I talked about how it really helps you focus on modularizing your code, and building it up one aspect at a time. And so on.

Then I talked about how what'll really be interesting is watching how Haskell starts to influence Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl and so on. Like watching, say Ruby interpreters get written in Haskell that do things no other implementation can do, like, maybe, compile down to .o files.

And, as soon as I come home, I see this (via lachoy).
