Namespace Collisions

ziggy on 2004-07-28T21:19:14

Walking around the expo hall after lunch this afternoon, I found a rather colorful, well-known geek (whose name I somehow forgot) sporting a tshirt that said:

What would Larry do?
Like any geek who always has room for that next witty tshirt, I asked him where he got this fabulous shirt.

Since this is a Perl+other stuff conference, he warned me that the Larry in this case isn't Larry Wall, or even Larry Lessig or Larry Ellison, but Larry mumble, the guy that started Burning Man.

In any case, it's a funny shirt. Moreso becauses any room full of geeks will interpret its meaning relative to their own leader named Larry.


cog on 2004-07-29T10:15:48

Where did he get this shirt? :-)