Slow news day

ziggy on 2004-06-26T02:20:04

It's Friday. It's summer. The Presidential campaign is at a low ebb. Terrorist attacks are increasing in many parts of the world, but no one wants to hear about that anymore.

In short, it's a slow news day.

So the Washington Post runs a story like this. Vice President Cheney used profanity on the floor of the Senate floor when speaking to Senator Patrick Leahy.

Oh, the humanity! The Horror! Politicians swearing at each other! It's the pillars of civilization are crumbling before us!

But really, I'm not sure what the bigger story is. That there was swearing on the senate floor, or that the Washington Post published unedited and unobfuscated swearing in the morning paper.

Somehow, this nonsense makes the kinds of community reflection Perl is getting this week sound a whole lot less silly.