Back in my trig class, mumble years ago, we had an extra credit question on a test: identify as many imaginary trigonometric functions as you can. Each function, and its co-function, should be real words in some language.
Examples: opt / co-opt, de / code, rect / correct.
How many can you name? One point per pair.
Extra points if you come up with a humorous definition for the pair of functions. No groaners.
I'm not a trig guy so no definitions but I was able to come up with a few possibilities.
Theory on 2004-02-11T23:10:39
You forgot "intercourse".
ziggy on 2004-02-11T23:18:20
Hm. Maybe I should have given the basic trigonometric functions as examples:Each function (sine, tangent, secant) has a co-function (cosine, cotangent, cosecant). So the point is to find word pairs that are roughly xyz/coxyz.sine cosine
tangent cotangent
secant cosecantLike in / coin.
;-) Inverse functions are also available
kag on 2004-02-12T00:03:55
So: hive/archive
I was not aware that all trig functions followed the "co rule" as in sine & cosine.
So change my "entries" to:
These are the words that sounded somewhat trig-like.
bra/cobra - functions defining two adjacent curves
ding/coding - functions defining bell curves
lander/colander - functions defining a trajectory towards the surface of the moon
median/comedian - functions for determining the suitability of a joke in polite company (ie: is it over the line)
<guilty-secret-mode sin="!perl">
for w in `cat