Competition: Client(I can't help but wonder which "distinct and innovative features" they're talking about. Integrated TCP/IP? File sharing? Print queues? Itty bitty icons in the Tray?)
The Linux Open Source operating system, which is also derived from Unix, and is available under a General Public License, has gained increasing public acceptance as its feature set increasingly resembles the distinct and innovative features of Windows, and as competative pressures on personal computer OEMs to reduce costs continue to increase.-- Microsoft's 2003 Annual Report
Linux is not derived from UNIX.
FUD? Not guilty
jmm on 2003-10-10T16:54:36
This does not strike me as FUD. While the code of Linux is not derived from the code of Unix (or at least the vast majority of the code is not, although some bits might come from BSD from Unix or other bits might come from other vintages of Unix); the basic design of Linux is definitely derived from Unix. Just think of fork/exec, device nodes in the file system, process 0, C library interface to the OS, signals/kill, etc.Re:FUD? Not guilty
ziggy on 2003-10-10T17:11:56
The distinction is academic. Microsoft's report was very carefully worded.OTOH, Linux was created independantly of Unix source code. OTOH, the design is a pretty faithful reimplementation of the basic ideas in Unix. OTGH, the usage of the term «derived» is deliberately ambiguous, and serves to cloud the issue WRT the SCO suit.