Skip Montanaro describes an interesting non-email usage of spambayes: weeding out bad venues in a database of live music performances.
Hm. Perhaps there are other more interesting applications of bayesian filtering, like the venerable slashdot user commentary system....
Re:any reason...
Matts on 2003-04-09T14:35:07
What's wrong with AI::Categorize?Re:any reason...
darobin on 2003-04-09T15:00:08
No, I know they exist, I'm just wondering why they're not being exposed in mailers and (under)used only for spam stuff. "There's no good reason" is a perfectly fine answer
:) Re:any reason...
Ovid on 2003-04-15T23:57:56
The answer's simple: because so many people scream about spam that it's a topic that's going to truly interest people. Grab any person on the street and ask them if they have a problem with spam and, if so, would they like a solution to it? We both know the likely answer
:) There's going to be both a larger base of people affected and a larger percentage of them who want a solution. Now grab any person on the street and ask them if generic automated document classification is a solution to any problem they have
... It's not that the latter might not be a solution, but fewer people talking about it or asking for it, it's not going to be as "sexy" a problem to work on.
Re:any reason...
darobin on 2003-04-16T08:46:00
Yes, agreed, what surprises me a little is that since 99% of what it takes for document classification to happen is now already in MUAs, it ain't exposed in some remote/advanced/scary setting somewhere