There is an unofficial contents between me (Perl) and another programmer (Java) at work. We are both "racing" to complete a reporting system. Which basically takes data out of Oracle and formats it real pretty like for the users to look at.
I haven't decided whether to go with Template-Toolkit or CGI-Application but I have prototyped two separate apps with each (one with TT and one with CA) and the Java programmer is struggling to get one up.
I looked at the Java code (and it didn't blind me) and I couldn't believe how much code is needed just to talk to Oracle and get stuff out.
Re:Sounds great
zatoichi on 2004-10-22T01:27:43
I think it is so hard because the skill levels of each person skews the end result. I have been steadily learning Perl but the Java person is just picking it up again after about a year.
Get CGI::Application::Pligin::TT and use both!
Re:Why Choose just one?
zatoichi on 2004-10-22T01:31:43
I am the level in my Perl learning where I really need to focus on one or the other. Once I get that down then I will look at combining them. One of my goals was to use "as little as possible" in my development of the web app.
I am leaning towards CGI-Application and HTML-Template as HT is a "simple" yet "powerful" paradigm. That and I really dig CA's run modes.
Re:Why Choose just one?
clscott on 2004-10-22T02:45:54
Well the plugin allows you to use C::A's runmodes but use TT as the template language ( no need for
[% USE CGI %]
in your templates or any other of the more involved constructs that can make TT more like programming than templating).Re:Why Choose just one?
clscott on 2004-10-22T02:55:53
I meant to say this:
The plugin that I mentioned allows you to replace HTML::Template with TT as the templating language.
TT as a templating language is very easy, most of the time you don't need anything more complex than
or[% %]
I prefer using TT, but good luck with your project with whichever approach you choose.