Java vs Perl for the Web

zatoichi on 2004-10-14T22:26:40

I am just wondering what would drive someone to choose Java over Perl for doing web application development.

I am having a lot of fun using Perl and Template Toolkit.

Marketting for Managers

samtregar on 2004-10-15T04:36:49

I think the most common reason is because someone else told them to. Managers have definitely gotten the message that Java is the best tool for web applications. I'd say that on 90% of the Perl projects I've worked on I've had to answer some manager asking why we're not using Java. Sometimes it's not a question!


Yup - Java is aimed at managers not programmers

TeeJay on 2004-10-15T08:57:31

Looking at all the nice diagrams and buzzwords, you just know that Managers will love it. Then look at all the advertising for all the products required to be productive with it (IDE's, Libraries, Tools, Books, Application Frameworks, Application Servers, JVMs, beans, etc) that keep half the developer magazines in business.


Matts on 2004-10-15T09:15:44

It's easier to hire Java programmers now, so you ensure the longevity of your project.

The college angle

jacques on 2004-10-15T13:24:59

The majority of new college grads have Java experience, and almost no Perl experience. Sometimes they might have taken one class with Perl and that's about it.

Coming out of college, these young programmers tend to think highly of Java (Read: Brainwashed).