Presenting Module::Starter 1.54

xsawyerx on 2009-12-13T16:49:15

this was originally posted on my new journal, which can be found here which is also the RSS feed for it.

Module::Starter 1.54 was recently released. I felt like blogging a bit about it.

Module::Starter is one of my favorite projects in the Perl community and on CPAN. I use it whenever I want to start a new module or program. It's very simple (read: beginner-friendly), modest and provides what I don't feel like doing myself. It has boilerplate files, text and tests and keeps updating those with habits that are considered "best practice", such as replacing the default licensing term we use.

Recently I've had the pleasure and honor of contributing to this project. I've made several changes mainly taking care of tickets and patches people submitted, making this release a fixer upper release. Following releases will contain some bigger and more exciting changes.

I want to take this chance to thank Andy Lester, Ricardo Signes, Shlomi Fish and anyone else involved with Module::Starter. Also, I want to thank some lesser-known contributors to Module::Starter, those that send bug reports, feature requests and patches (on my god, patches *drool*).

It seems like Ricardo's Dist::Zilla is the contender for Distribution Manager position, and with just cause. However, I rest assure that there are plenty of people (such as me) who prefer using small specific tools for each job they have. I prefer Module::Starter as a module starter, Module::Build as a Distribution Manager, etc.

That being said, you should still totally check out Dist::Zilla and see if it's the right tool for you. But don't worry, Module::Starter is not going away. :)