Jemplate can't compile on Template 2.21_2 and up

xsawyerx on 2009-08-26T13:01:25

Apparently Template had some problems tracking nested IFs and BLOCKs and so they made a change which broke a Jemplate test that was counting on the wrong behavior, so now Jemplate can't compile on Template 2.21_2 and up, latest stable being 2.22.

It was really fun to debug even though before this experience I didn't know Jemplate and Template too well. I just forked Jemplate on github, converted the bad test from Test::Base (which I don't understand much) to Test::More and changed the test to is_string from Test::LongString to really understand where the problem was.

There is a bug standing on this (which I couldn't add to because I didn't open it) and I've emailed Robert Krimen regarding it.

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