Another Day of Perl

xenchu on 2004-04-12T18:51:17

Except that I didn't have to teach this time. My co-teacher wanted to go over a template program so the class would know what all this Perl was about. So I sat and watched while he did that. Easiest class yet..

No class next week because so many people will be gone for various reasons. I will be holding a 'Q&A' class on Friday for those that want specific questions answered.

Due to my masterful ability to copy text from books to PowerPoint slides and put them on a screen I am gaining an entirely spurious reputation as being knowledgeable in Perl. But even simple copy takes a lot of time. And even more time to make sure the result looks reasonably coherent and understandable

This is why I never wanted to be a teacher. It is a lot of work and you have to stay after school. Plus I knew that one dark day I would get a version of me in one of my classes. Brrrrrr.