Celebrity endorsement

wirebird on 2007-09-26T17:24:55

Possibly I should remember to save after I preview. Or possible I'm double-posting.

In any event, Carl has achieved fame: http://yapc.org/

Good thing I dragged him along, I guess.

Link on yapc.org to whole article

mr_bean on 2007-09-27T02:35:28

The whole article was worth reading, but there is no link to it. The 5 sentences there give a different impression than the whole article. I remember it as being enthusiastic, but not promotional the way the extract sounds.

Re:Link on yapc.org to whole article

wirebird on 2007-09-27T02:56:53

Not sure the YAPC mailing list is archived anywhere, but he put the entry in his LJ too: http://ravenx99.livejournal.com/20728.html

And yeah, it was very selectively edited. One could do that other interesting ways:

YAPC confirmed my greatest fear. There wasn't much in the way of tutorial for the new stuff... modules, OO, references, etc. I never learned how to properly write a module, just why "my" was better than "local" or any of that "advanced" stuff. I don't think I got a huge amount of immediate return on my investment... there wasn't much I can go back to work with.