...think of me!
I learned today that when users ask google how to get spam, I'm the first name that comes to mind.
A prof was looking into sources of spam on behalf of a student who was developing antispam software and dropped me an email after running that query.
I've also been google's favorite for "colorblind" for quite a while, which brings to mind the following idle trivia: It seems that tens of thousands of users have decided that the best way to get around their local webblocking software is to view porn through the colorblind web page filter. ...yet another reason to hate webblocking software...
P.S.: ...and for the sake of completness, I was google's favorite for "employment objective" back when I was still looking for work, but lost the honor (I think) due to not having updated the page in months.
P.P.S: to avoid spam, I now prefer to send mail from addresses which have the form foo-list-subscribe-bar-baz@example.com where foo/bar/baz tend to identify the specific contact/occasion, and example.com is my domain. Address-harvesting bots (so far) ignore list-subscribe addresses, but if they ever spam them, I'll be able to kill the specific address without invalidating other addresses. The 'list-subscribe' technique has allowed me to go without killing any of my ad-hoc addresses for about a year now.