Dragged into CPAN

vsergu on 2005-03-31T02:26:00

Yes, it's ridiculous that I've been programming in Perl for 10 years and have never released a module on CPAN. I got a PAUSE ID a couple of years ago with the full intention of uploading modules, but I never got around to putting anything into CPANable form. It seems that as time goes by the expectations for tests, documentation, and so forth have increased, and the amount of effort required to bridge the gap between usable module and releasable module has gone up. Okay, I'm an easily intimidated lazy procrastinator.

Anyway, I was playing around with the Text::Brew module and found a bug, which I duly reported on rt.cpan.org and uploaded a patch for. In return the author invited me to take over as the maintainer for the module. I figured I might as well jump in, even though I'm not thrilled with the API or name of this particular module.

Anyone have any words of wisdom?

Update: I successfully patched the module and even improved its kwalitee a bit. Now I just have to get some of my own modules into shape.

Words of Wisdom

samtregar on 2005-03-31T03:34:45

Well, they sounded good when I wrote them, and now they're free!


Re:Words of Wisdom

schwern on 2005-03-31T10:56:58

Ooo! I saw that in Powell's Tech the other day and though "Hmm, I should buy that and see what sort of LIES it is spreading about MakeMaker". This is not a slight to your authorship but merely a SCIENTIFIC FACT that every article about MakeMaker includes lies, half-truths, encapsulation violations and cargo-cultery. And, of course, I have to try and support them all.

I shall download your so called "Electronic Bookomodocumentron" forthwith!

Re:Words of Wisdom

samtregar on 2005-03-31T16:01:24

Hahaha. Have at it! I shall be on the lookout for the constable.


Re:Words of Wisdom

jplindstrom on 2005-03-31T14:15:33

Hopefully Amazon mailed it yesterday (together with HOP and some Haskell books (I'm such a lemming)).

Prayer, Mr. Sergu...

schwern on 2005-03-31T10:57:51

...the CPAN does not take prisoners.