Windows XP fun

vek on 2002-05-29T12:55:42

I'm having all kinds of fun installing Image::Magick on my Wife's WinXP box - not. DLL hell.

I don't have time to mess with it anymore this morning. /me has to get ready for work...


gav on 2002-05-29T15:55:21

I've pretty much given up with PerlMagick, I've failed to get it working twice with NT now and once with linux :)

I now just install imagemagick just call the individual parts (identify/mogrify/convert) using system. Low-tech, inefficient and easy to make work.



mir on 2002-05-29T20:34:02

Same here. The only time I can get it to work is out-of-the-box when I install a new Linux distribution. After that any change to any part of the system seems to break it, especially installing a new perl.
I found using mogrify and convert much more stable.