PL/SQL - Yipes

vek on 2002-05-10T20:29:10

It's official, now that we're one programmer short I'm now going to be maintaining some of our PL/SQL code. In fact I got my first bug report ticket assigned to me this morning. The funny thing about all this is that I haven't written a single line of PL/SQL code in my life. I hope they don't expect this ticket resolved before the end of the day ;-)

/me goes off to Borders to buy some PL/SQL books...

My experience

djberg96 on 2002-05-10T20:57:23

In my experience, there is nothing I could do in PL/SQL that I couldn't code faster and easier using Perl. PL/SQL is a helluva lot clunkier. Any potential speed advantage to using PL/SQL is lost when considering the load on our Oracle servers.

Of course, you may not have the luxury of being permitted to change them to Perl code. Perhaps they are stored procedures?

Re:My experience

vek on 2002-05-10T21:45:48

Perhaps they are stored procedures?

Yep, that's exactly what I'm working with. This should be quite interesting - at the very least it will be something else to add to the ol' resume/CV I suppose.

Re:My experience

paulg on 2002-05-21T13:53:52

Maybe this may be of some use.

N.B. I've never tried using it myself.