Solaris, grrrr

vek on 2002-04-12T18:37:31

tar: directory checksum error

Really? I think not Mr buggy Solaris tar. So I'm off to grab GNU tar, ho hum :-)

When using Solaris...

djberg96 on 2002-04-12T19:43:45

The first thing I do after a fresh install on Solaris:
  • install gcc (if not already)
  • mv cc cc.orig; ln -s gcc cc
  • install gtar
  • mv tar tar.orig; ln -s gtar tar
  • install latest perl (not the package)

Next, install Solaris patches. Then, I go to sunfreeware and install the following packages:

  • binutils (watch your PATH)
  • openssl
  • openssh (and its dependencies)
  • top
  • latest vim

Then, I go back and install 100 or so of my favorite Perl modules, but that's another story. :)