A little visit home

vek on 2002-03-31T08:52:41

It's official, I'm going back to England in June for a couple of weeks - yippee. I finally got off my behind and purchased plane tickets today. That will make my family happy at least.

I'm looking forward to seeing my Sister. The last time I went home was for her wedding. Obviously with last minute panic wedding planning and the fact that she went on her honeymoon right away meant that I didn't get to spend much time with her. If I remember correctly, the last time I really got to see her was back in 1999. Phew, doesn't time fly.

It will be nice to stock up on Ambrosia Rice Pudding, Marmite, Weetabix, Walker's Cheese and Onion crisps and Cadbury's Biscuit Boost again.

It's the little thing's you miss :-)