
vek on 2002-03-20T20:02:03

They hold some 'Spring Training' baseball games here in Arizona. So most of my office has gone to watch one of the afternoon games.

I declined the offer. Baseball is really not my cup of tea. It's not that I don't like it, it's that I don't get it. I really don't understand the appeal as it always seems a bit tame to me. Growing up in England meant that the closest thing I came to Baseball was playing bloody rounders in PE - nuff said. My American counterparts have brainwashed me into watching (and liking in fact) Basketball and American Football, I just can't get interested in Baseball - I have tried, really I have.

Now, if we were going to watch Rugby or (proper) Football then I'm there mate :-)

Don't Feel Bad

chaoticset on 2002-03-20T20:56:25

I could never really watch baseball either, and I was not only born here, I played in Little League for a while.

Football's good -- a MacGuffin, a bunch of armored people fighting over it. That's pretty straightforward. Same for hockey, except there's cold flooring to dull pain, sharp blades on everybody's feet, and sticks (for sheer carnage, that's a potent mix).

Baseball always looked like one of those things someone was trying to be interestingly complex about. "No, no, four bases! And, uh, you can't just hit the ball, a guy throws it at you! And, you have to balance a squirrel on your head!"

Too damned long

djberg96 on 2002-03-20T21:04:03

I can watch the playoffs and the series, but otherwise, the game and the season are too damn long.

It used to be 7 innings - I'd be in favor of returning to that. And the 10-month long season is ridiculous!

Baseball is in serious trouble. They are desperately in need of a salary cap and shared revenue of some kind. The talent pool is such now that it's becoming ridiculously easy to predict the playoff contenders. Last year, I had the top 4 pegged slightly before the All-Star break (as many did, I think). My only goof was in picking the Mariners to beat the Yankees.

I also think people are tired of seeing the Yankees go to the top 4 (or winning the Series) nearly every damned year.

Re:Too damned long

gizmo_mathboy on 2002-03-21T04:24:12

I really think they needed to institute the revenue sharing idea that they commission they created a few years ago recommended. Check out my recent journal entry.

I have started to prefer soccer (or _proper_ football according to vek :-) and have enjoyed rugby immensely since I played it in college (too bad Australia and New Zealand seem to be in a flap over the upcoming World Cup).


pudge on 2002-03-22T18:15:57

You're just born with it. Either you like it, or you don't. Sorta like vegemite.