
vek on 2002-03-11T15:44:25

So yesterday was quite productive. Got up early to "beat the heat" and planted my new Orange tree & various other flowers. Digging holes in Arizona is a massive pain in the arse. Anyone would think it was a desert or something. Needless to say, plenty of ground soaking and a trusty pick-axe was called for.

Then I had a 75 minute phone call to England, well it was Mothers Day afterall. Funny thing is, I actually remembered this year. Got my sisters "reminder" e-mail a couple of day's back - she's such a star, but (for once) I could actually say I didn't need it :-)

Bought some more fish for my freshwater tank. The guy at the Aquarium shop almost mashed the crap out of one of them with his bloody net - the bastard. Well, at least the fish are in a better home now :-)

Then I did some coding, some file caching benchmarks for work. Turned out rather well so I was quite happy really.

Good day all round.