
vek on 2002-03-07T23:29:30

Following on from last night's shocking benchmark...

Obviously after a good night's sleep I realized that it makes a lot more sense to fix our in-house module so that Date::Manip can be removed from calculating today's date. So, after a quick two line change (now using perl's localtime instead of Date::Manip), I ran the same benchmark again: Benchmark: timing 20000 iterations of Time::Piece, DateAndTime.pm... Time::Piece: 8 wallclock secs ( 6.44 usr + 0.65 sys = 7.09 CPU) @ 2820.87/s (n=20000) DateAndTime.pm: 7 wallclock secs ( 7.64 usr + 0.00 sys = 7.64 CPU) @ 2617.80/s (n=20000) Now that's more like it :-)