
vek on 2002-02-11T18:52:57

I have a hub sitting on my cubie floor. For some reason (I forget why) 4 cubicles surrounding mine all have their network cables coming into my cubie and plug into said hub.

We had instructions on Friday before we left for the day to take everything off the floor because we are having new carpet installed at the weekend.

So, after getting my desktop's off the floor (along with the spaghetti like cable mess) all that was left was the hub. For some reason I decided it would be easier (for me) to just unplug the hub and lay it on top of my cubie. So I did.

Needless to say, my "neighbours" were none too pleased when I got into work this morning. Obviously they couldn't get onto the network because of aforementioned hub unplugging. Said neighbours are also not in the IT group so they're not really network savvy and had no idea their cables came into my cubie. Apparently they'd called our help desk about 500 times to complain.

I had intended to get to work early this morning and plug everything back in. Of course, sods law dictated that I would not in fact be doing anything early this morning thanks to an accident on the I-10.

So I just plugged the hub back in as soon as I got to work and said nothing :)