Better Late Than Never

vek on 2002-01-28T13:18:46

So I've finally got around to reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Must be one of the few people on the planet that hasn't read it yet. Come to think of it, I haven't read LOTR either. Well as long as I get them both read before the films come out on DVD I'll be happy.

I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

djberg96 on 2002-01-28T13:58:11

Sorry, but I've still got 2 C.S. Lewis books yet to go.

As for LOTR, definitely worth the read (probably should read The Hobbit first, though it's not necessary).

Once you've read LOTR, you can also say you've read Terry Brook's Sword of Shannara because, hey, same book.

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

pudge on 2002-01-28T14:42:12

I've never read anything Harry Potter, and don't plan to.

I've read the Hobbit, but thought it sucked (when I was 12). I read FotR and loved it (just finished it). I'll read the rest of them.

I've not read the Narnia Chronicles in many years. I only really liked two of them, the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and the Magician's Nephew. But again, that was many years ago.

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

vek on 2002-01-28T15:30:39

I've not read the Narnia Chronicles in many years

Yep, been a few years for me also. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was a classic. I also liked The Silver Chair and The Last Battle (as I recall).

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

davorg on 2002-01-28T18:07:02

Whilst I loved the Narnia stories (particularly The Silver Chair[1] and The Magician's Nephew) I think I prefered Lewis' other series Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra and That Hideous Strength.

[1] I have great memories of Tom Baker playing Puddleglum the Marsh Wriggle in the BBC adaptation.

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

pudge on 2002-01-28T18:33:34

"But the *song's* called 'Out of the Silent Planet.'" -- King's X

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

chromatic on 2002-01-28T18:44:55

Ahh, the Space Trilogy. That Hideous Strength is indeed one of my favorites. (A couple of Neil Gaiman things remind me of it -- "Murder Mysteries", for one.)

Anybody think Zelazny's Amber chronicles were better stories than Harry Potter?

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

shockme on 2002-01-28T22:20:36

I attempted The Hobbit when I was around 12 - 15, but gave up. I'm currently reading LoTR and am really digging it.

I seem to recall going through all of the Narnia stuff when I was younger.

(My wife read the entire Harry Potter series in something like 2 weeks. She couldn't put it down, and the family almost starved. ;)

Re:I won't be reading any Harry Potter books

vek on 2002-01-28T15:26:58

I've read all the C.S. Lewis books. I got about half way through The Hobbit and then bailed. That was a few years back and you'd think with all the LOTR hype recently I would have picked it back up and tried - alas no. Thanks for mentioning that it's not necessary to have read The Hobbit to understand what is going on in LOTR - I was wondering that actually.