Cubie Clutter

vek on 2002-01-11T05:33:48

A co-worker happily noted that my cubie is filled with crap today. They were right of course. So what does said crap consist of? Magazines. I get a boat load of 'em. Right off the top of my head here are the magazines that find their way into my cubie each month (in no apparent order whatsoever):

-Dr Dobb's Journal -Sysadmin/TPJ -Linux Magazine -Linux Journal -Web Techniques -eweek -XML Journal -Java Developer's Journal -Some Oracle magazine (forgot the name) -PC Magazine -and I'm sure I've forgot to mention a few

So do I read this plethora of IT information? Absolutely not. I'd be fibbing if I said that I get time to scan half of them. In fact most of them eventually seem to make the journey home and end up in my downstairs bathroom - which is turning into a sort of geeky library, it's scary (*grin*).

and in tough times...

hfb on 2002-01-11T06:35:17

the non-glossy mags come in handy in the loo....:)