You know it's time to start looking for a new car

vek on 2002-01-05T06:25:51

when the cost of the repairs you've had to have done (in the last 3 months alone) are close to what the bloody thing is worth.

Nov 2001 - Thermostat & water pump - $400 Dec 2001 - New transmission - $2300 Jan 2002 - New oil pan - $300

And you know what, as it sits in my garage, the bloody thing does not change gear properly - noticed that re-occurance in the last few day's. The "check engine" light came on today indicating some emissions related problem. When is it ever going to end.

The really f**king annoying thing is that the car itself is less than 5 years old and I still have 2 more car payments to make. It's a f**king lemon I swear.

Never going to buy a Ford again.

So on that note, tomorrow I'm off to look at PT Cruisers. Current opinion on a PT Cruiser is like Guinness - you either love it or you hate it. I love Guinness (actually Murphy's is my favorite tipple) and I think I'm taking a liking to PT Cruisers (in a London cab on steriods kind of way).

Two words...

Matts on 2002-01-05T08:58:50

Buy Japanese.

Re:Two words...

pudge on 2002-01-05T14:01:33

I've had a lot of luck with General Motors. Mmmmm, Americany goodness!

Get a Volvo

hfb on 2002-01-05T17:25:23

My last Volvo had over 350,000 miles on it before the body started to rot and the new one has been 3 years without a day of trouble. Also, 85% of the Volvos ever made are still on the road. They are good, solid, practical dependable cars.