Games, Games, Games

vek on 2001-12-30T14:24:15

As predicted Luigi's Mansion was polished off on Friday night - my wife and I looked at each other and said "that's it??", we'd only played it for 3 days. Granted, it was rather easy and as chaoticset pointed out it probably was designed for the pre-teen gang, but usually the "flagship" Nintendo game (i.e a Mario game or somesuch) lasts for a while. I remember spending a decent amount of game time completing "Super Mario" for the SNES and even "Mario 64" when the Nintendo 64 came out. Not so it seems with the Gamecube. Oh well, at least the tiny little mini-disc's Nintendo are using as their game media are cute. "Star Wars - Rogue Squadron" is still unopened as yet because we did crack open the PS2 yesterday - and the rest of Saturday promptly bit the dust (*grin*).

What Really Worries Me

chaoticset on 2001-12-30T19:47:02 the new Zelda look, and those deity-forsaken "Mario Party" games or whatever. It's a BOARD GAME. I cannot stress enough the lunacy of playing a Nintendo-based board game *on an extremely advanced home console*. If you want to play board games, please, *dig them out*. I'm all for them.

Re:What Really Worries Me

vek on 2001-12-31T07:29:47

Couldn't agree more mate. I skipped the whole "Mario Party" thing - whatever it was...