Office Christmas Party

vek on 2001-12-05T18:35:48

Most of the development team (including my boss) are not going to this year's office christmas party extravaganza. I'm one of the developers who will not be attending. Why the bah humbug almost
[1] Unless you've had the pleasure of being in Arizona in late July, you have no real comprehension of just how much a god-send covered parking can be. Unless you like getting into your car that's been baking all day long in 120 degree heat - in which case you're a bit of a sicko (grin).

paying for a party

hfb on 2001-12-05T22:20:12

sure beats getting in the unemployment queue. Alcohol is expensive, liability insurance is expensive, catered food is more expensive than both combined. Having thrown a few parties at my house where people seem to think the 'party fairy' makes it all happen...and then complain about the free cold Guinness beer in the can I applaud people who ask for help in defraying the cost...even companies as they are especially expensive in this economy.

Cheer up and go have a few drinks and eat some food and enjoy...I least they invited you! :)

Re:paying for a party

vek on 2001-12-05T22:55:34

...sure beats getting in the unemployment queue.

Sigh - yes it does hfb thanks for pointing that one out. In this economy I should be grateful to have a job right?

..I applaud people who ask for help in defraying the cost...even companies as they are especially expensive in this economy.

Actually it's really not the paying for it that had me in humbug mode - in fact I've 'chipped-in' at friends parties many times in the past - it's just that said company spends money like $style = 'going out of'; (grin). It was the birthday shaft that got to me - I look forward to the ol' birthday cake you see (grin).

Cheer up and go have a few drinks and eat some food and enjoy...

I'll absolutely be doing all the above hfb, didn't mean to sound as grumpy as I did.