Sunday Morning

vek on 2001-12-02T12:39:07

A big thanks to my dogs for waking me up at 4:42 on a Sunday morning - cheers guys.

So, I'm now wide a friggin wake. Just read Linux magazine and The Linux Journal - now what. I'm going to get some serious coding done that's what. Well until my other half awakes and we get side-tracked on all that Sunday 'around-the-house' craziness.

Wait a minute, what's that, oh that sneaky Mozilla gang. They only went and released 0.96 - who knew. Ok, so here's the plan - install 0.96 and then get some coding done. I really like Mozilla and everything but it's a teeny buggy at times - the bloody 'back' button for instance - sometimes it, er, doesn't work. For instance, just this very morning while reading