vek on 2001-11-23T22:16:29

I've got all my MP3's on my linux desktop at work as I've got a bagillion gigabytes of storage. My desktop does not have a bloody sound card however. Our desktop gestapo, er I mean "support" will not allow us to install our own hardware - bastards. So, back in the day before I installed linux on my laptop, I was able to listen to my songs quite nicely on Windows thanks to Samba and never gave it a second thought. I've used linux on my laptop for ages now but I never got around to figuring out a way to still get at my songs. Well I finally got off my behind and did something about it today on my lunchbreak.

I didn't want to fart around with NFS or any of it's secure brethren and I already have Apache running on my desktop and *still* had the source laying around in my home dir. So I re-compilied Apache with mod_perl and headed off to the CPAN. That man Lincoln Stein, Apache::MP3 - nuff said. And all this in less than 15 minutes.
