YAPC::NA. Day 2. Morning.

unimatrix on 2001-06-14T13:24:19

Fixed two bugs in Inline with Brian Ingerson. Discovered that Data::Denter is very slow with big data structures with circular references. Worked some more on Getopt::Attribute, which is being uploaded as we speak.

I survived Abigail's Parse::RecDescent talk.

Lots of talk, some more ideas, smoked meat bof (bof good, beef bad - but hey, at least they don't have foot & mouth here, so you gotta get all the meat you can). Then a few of us went to a french restaurant / bistro. Pretty nice.

Currently I'm in gnat's Perl Internals class. Tonight will still see Brian's 'Data Denter & YAML' talk, Abigail's 'Return of the JAPHi' and Damian's 'Life, The Universe and Everything'. As well as the YAPC dinner.

More on that later.