Class::XSAccessor with constructors = Object::Tiny::XS

tsee on 2008-11-30T12:07:33

Since Class::XSAccessor now supports constructors (see previous journal entry), there's everything in place to implement Object::Tiny in XS. Hence you can find Object::Tiny::XS 1.01 on CPAN very soon. It's been uploaded to PAUSE.

The following benchmarks can be found in the distribution. They're comparing O::Tiny::XS to O::Tiny and Class::Accessor::Fast.

Benchmarking constructor plus accessors...
             Rate accessor     tiny  tiny_xs
accessor 107325/s       --     -40%     -57%
tiny     177837/s      66%       --     -29%
tiny_xs  248931/s     132%      40%       --

Benchmarking constructor alone...
             Rate accessor     tiny  tiny_xs
accessor 168659/s       --     -49%     -57%
tiny     330831/s      96%       --     -17%
tiny_xs  396844/s     135%      20%       --

Benchmarking accessors alone...
          Rate accessor     tiny  tiny_xs
accessor 331/s       --     -16%     -54%
tiny     395/s      19%       --     -45%
tiny_xs  715/s     116%      81%       --