So CPANTS was down for a couple of weeks. This morning, I noticed it's back, but so far without the cron job that updated the data nightly.
For me, CPANTS has been a way to check my eighty or so CPAN distributions for packaging shortcomings. Unfortunately, that check happens only after I made the release. I installed Module::CPANTS::Analyse which comes with Given a distribution file name, it runs the CPANTS metrics against it.
Since Module::CPANTS::Analyse comes with quite a few prerequisites, I set up a simple web service which you can use to check your distributions before uploading. The interface is a little cumbersome, but I think it's worthwhile. Just upload your distribution at
The reason for the delay is that I didn't want to install all prerequisites on the hosting account and certainly didn't like running from a CGI process. Thus, my local server fetches distributions-to-scan from there and uploads a result text every three minutes.