Drawing Text

tonyc on 2002-04-18T01:42:49

Arnar released Imager 0.40 last week, followed quickly by 0.41, since I hadn't tested the changes I'd made to the giflib tests without giflib. Oops.

But it's out the virtual door now. So what do we do for Imager 0.42?

One thing I've always found picky and annoying is laying out text, whether it's just aligning text around a point, or filling a box with it, and Imager doesn't make this any easier, since the bounding_box() method simply returns a list of fairly basic information, which makes it difficult to read the code that uses it.

What I want to try to do is provide some tools to make it easy to do both simple tasks like aligning a line of text around a point, or in a box, and more complex tasks like filling a box with text, possibly including some way of handling richer text with face and font changes.

The ultimate result of all this would of course be pod2Imager ;).

Of course writing such tools at the perl level would require more access to glyph metrics, which could be useful to the masochists who want to do all the above themselves.

Now I just need to find the time to do all of this.