Imager 0.45 (almost)

tonyc on 2005-05-25T06:03:10

A release candidate for Imager 0.45 is now on CPAN, though it may take a little while to get to some mirrors.

If you have time please try to run the test suite, the simplest way to do that is with the CPAN shell, if you've configured it:

perl -MCPAN -eshell
test T/TO/TONYC/Imager-0.44_01.tar.gz

If you see test failures on OS X 10.4 in t/t20fill.t, please send me a copy of the generated fills.o and the result of:

gcc --version

then try running:

gcc_select 3

and attempting to build/test Imager again. You can do:

gcc_select 4

to return to the default gcc 4.0 pre-release.