Resuscitating Cambridge Perl Mongers

tomhukins on 2009-03-04T11:47:01

Cambridge Perl Mongers held our first meeting in a while last night. Seven of us met in a pub and discussed all sorts of things - even a little Perl.

We plan to meet every month - next month's meeting will take place on April 1st.

Unfortunately, several people who might have attended didn't know about the meeting due to a recent mailing list migration. If you think you're on the list, it's worth signing up again. Hopefully, the old list's subscribers will soon find their way on to the new list automatically, but that hasn't happened yet.

Despite its low attendance, the meeting went well. We drank various beers with confusing TLA names like JHB and IVB. Thankfully I managed to avoid asking for IVF.

If you're anywhere near Cambridge and interested in Perl, please subscribe to the mailing list, join us in on or join us in the pub next month.

We also plan to hold a technical meeting before long with various talks about Perl. It's all quite exciting.