Today I decided to try and test Pugs to see how well it does. Here was my first try:
pugs> my x = 2 *** Error: unexpected "x" expecting variable name or "(" atat line 1, column 4 pugs> my $x = 2; 2 pugs> my $x = "a"; 'a' pugs> my $x is Int = "a"; *** Error: No compatible subroutine found: &is at App "&is" (App "&Int" (App "&prefix:=" (Syn "cxt" {'Str'; App "&infix:~" ('a', '')}))) pugs> my Int $x = 1; *** Error: unexpected "I" expecting variable name or "(" at at line 1, column 4
pugs> my $a = sub { say "a" } sub {...} pugs> $a->() *** Error: unexpected ">" or "-" expecting word character, ":", term postfix, operator, postfix conditional, post fix loop, postfix iteration, ";" or end of input atat line 1, column 3 pugs> $a() a bool::true
#!perl6 use v6;
my @tags = ("AMI ","ENG ","FRA ","SPA ","CAS ","A ","B ","C ","D ");
sub get_r_tags($a) { my @b = (); for(1..$a) { push @b, @tags[rand(@tags)]; } return @b; }
say get_r_tags(3);