Test::Snippet - Test interactive Perl examples

tokuhirom on 2008-06-12T04:05:50

I've wrote Test::Snippet. http://svn.coderepos.org/share/lang/perl/Test-Snippet/trunk/

This is a port of Python's doctest. doctest is : http://docs.python.org/lib/module-doctest.html

1. use your module at re.pl(Devel::REPL) 2. copy and paste to pod 3. run tests.

that's all.

follow is example code:

your code here. =head1 NAME Acme::Test - testing acme =head1 DESCRIPTION blah blah blah =begin test $ 3+2 5 $ [2,5,5,{foo => 'bar'}] $ARRAY1 = [ 2, ( 5 ) x 2, { foo => 'bar' } ]; =end test =cut something.. something.. =head1 SEE ALSO ME!