
tokuhirom on 2007-05-06T10:56:51

I wrote Gearman::Taskset::Async, the Gearman asynchronous taskset.

for example: use Gearman::Client; use Gearman::Taskset::Async; my $client = Gearman::Client->new(job_servers => ['']); my $ts = $client->new_async_task_set; for (1..1000) { $ts->add_task("echo" => \$_, +{on_complete => sub { warn "COMPLETED"; warn "@_"; }, on_fail => sub { warn "FAILED"; }}); } $ts->run;

Gearman has asynchronous client(Gearman::Client::Async), is based on Danga::Socket.Danga::Socket imcompatible with mod_perl, because that uses class variables.

source code is here: Gearman::Taskset::Async

oops. It's just a Gearman::Taskset::BulkBlocRequest?