Long time ago, Sledge's config is written in codes, likes old version of Catalyst.
I want to write the config in YAML.YAML is cool, that is human readable and writable.
current style of Sledge::Config :
package Proj::Config; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Sledge::Config Class::Singleton);
sub case_sensitive { 0 }
sub _new_instance { my $class = shift; unless (defined $ENV{SLEDGE_CONFIG_NAME}) { do '/etc/proj-conf.pl' or warn $!; } $class->SUPER::new($ENV{SLEDGE_CONFIG_NAME}); }
package Proj::Config::_common; use strict; use vars qw(%C); *Config = \%C;
$C{TMPL_PATH} = '/path/to/tmpl_dir'; $C{COOKIE_NAME} = 'sledge_sid'; $C{COOKIE_PATH} = '/'; $C{COOKIE_DOMAIN} = undef;
package Proj::Config::_development; use strict; use vars qw(%C); *Config = \%C;
$C{DATASOURCE} = [ 'dbi:mysql:sledge','root', '' ];
1; package Proj::Config::_product; use strict; use vars qw(%C); *Config = \%C;
$C{DATASOURCE} = [ 'dbi:mysql:sledge;host=','root', '' ];
package Your::Config; use basei qw(Sledge::Config::YAML Class::Singleton);
sub _new_instance { my $class = shift;
common: tmpl_path: /path/to/tmpl_dir cookie_name: sledge_sid cookie_path: / cookie_domain: ~ product: datasource: - dbi:mysql:sledge;host= - root - development: datasource: - dbi:mysql:sledge - root -