Becoming a CPAN module maintainer.

tobert on 2003-10-03T13:41:22

It's really easy. Just write a pile of code for some module that hasn't been updated in a while and send it to the maintainer. Seriously, though, I'm now the maintainer of Net::SNPP on CPAN, which I'll probably be releasing an update to today (v1.15). I added Net::SNPP::Server and a test script (rudimentary) to verify that things still work. Net::SNPP now functions properly when sending 2-way messages to my Nextel phone and retrieving my replies. I also added three scripts to it for sending those 2-way messages, retrieving replies, and a server using ::Server. The real question is: does anybody actually use this thing besides me?

I'm also chatting with the guy who wrote the initial Nagios::Config modules, but doesn't have much time to work on them anymore. I wrote a bunch of objects to handle hosts, service, and timeperiods, so all they need now is a configuration parser. Easy right? Just Extract the Practical parts of the configuration and Report it using some programming Language. Hmm ...